Campus Faculty

Campus Faculty Profile

Faculty Name DR. SHASHI ALOK
Father Name LATE. RAJA RAM
Designation Assistant Professor
Total Experience (Years) 16
Research Experience (Years) 13
Date Of Joining 18/08/2008
Brief Information Dr. Shashi Alok working as an Assistant Professor and Coordinator Training & Placement and Alumni Affairs in Institute of Pharmacy, Bundelkhand University Jhansi (U.P.), India. His present research projects are focused on phytopharmacological work on active isolated constituents from Indian folklore medicine directed to explore their therapeutic potential and attempting on formulation of standardized product by following the modern herbal Ayurveda monographs and international guidelines.
Detail of Biography View Profile
Number Of Research Paper 115
Number Of Research Student 15

Reviewer/Editor :

  1. Editor-In-Chief, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
  2. Editor-In-Chief, International Journal of Pharmacognosy
  3. Editor-In-Chief, International Journal of Life Sciences and Review
  4. Advisor and Editorial member, Pharmacognosy Journal (An Elsevier Journal)
  5. Editorial member, International Journal of Plant Sciences
  6. Editorial member, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development
  7. Expert Reviewer, Asian pacific journal of Biomedicine (An Elsevier Journal)
  8. Expert Reviewer, Asian pacific journal of Tropical Disease (An Elsevier Journal)
  9. Expert Reviewer, Journal of Education Research in Indian Medicine
  10. Expert Reviewer, African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
  11. Expert Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Pathology and Forensic Medicine
  12. Expert Reviewer, African Journal of Plant Science
  13. Expert Reviewer, Advancement in Medicinal Plant Research
  14. Expert Reviewer, Journal of Pharmacy Research (An Elsevier Journal)

Specialization :

  1. Pharmacognosy

Qualification :

S.No Qualification University Year
1 B. Pharma Bundelkhand Univeristy, Jhansi 2005
2 M. Pharma Bundelkhand Univeristy, Jhansi 2007
3 Ph. D (Pharmaceutical Sciences) SHITAS, Allahabad, U.P., India 2015
4 MBA (Pharma Management) IIPM, Lucknow, U.P., India 2006

Technical Area:

  1. Pharmacognosy
  2. Natural Products
  3. Pharmacological Screening
  4. Standardization Method Development for Herbals

Faculty Research Activities :

S.No No of Patent WorkShop Seminar Coference
1 4 8 24 National
2 0 0 11 International

Project Name:

  1. Quality Analysis Studies on selected Medicinal Plants facilitating Value Added and Herbal Industry Oriented Cultivation for Self-Employment Generation and Sustainable Development in Bundelkhand Region. Funded by NRDMS-DST New Delhi
  2. Compendium for the outcome of the R & D projects sanctioned under SC / ST scheme of NRDMS. Funded by NRDMS-DST New Delhi

Recent Books, Articles and Publications:

  1. In- vitro evaluation of Antlithiatic activity., Lambert Academic Publishing- Germany
  2. A Book on Impact of Regulatory Environment on Pharmaceutical Industry., Lambert Academic Publishing- Germany
  3. A Book on Phytochemical and Pharmacological evaluation of Viex leucoxylon Linn., Lambert Academic Publishing- Germany
  4. Hand Book of Research Methodology., Educreation Publishing Delhi, India, First edition: 2017, ISBN: 978-1-5457-0340-3
  5. A Book on Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry- I, Nirali Prakashan, First edition: 2018, ISBN: 938870612-9
  6. A textbook on Pharmacognosy and Photochemistry – II, Nirali Prakashan, 2019, ISBN: 978-93-89533-07-1
  7. Practical Book of Biochemistry, AIP publication, First Edition 2023, ISBN: 9789357620918
  8. Practical Book for Pharmaceutics, SIPH publication, First Edition 2023, ISBN: 9789357572651
  9. A Textbook for Herbal Cosmetics, SIPH publication, First Edition 2023, ISBN: 9789357573009
  10. A Textbook on 'Millets of India', SIPH publication, First Edition 2023, ISBN: 9789357572941
  11. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, SIPH publication, First Edition 2023, ISBN: 9789357572989
  12. A Text book on Social Pharmacy, Sankalp publication, First Edition 2023, ISBN – 978-93-95016-80-3

Award Name :

  1. Rajiv Gandhi Excellence Award (2015)
  2. Rashtriya Gaurav Award (2015)
  3. Certificate of Recognition (2014), USA
  4. Best citizen of India (2015)
  5. Bharat Excellence Award (2016)
  6. Award and Certificate of appreciation (2015), Oman
  7. Indian Achievement Award (2017)
  8. Award and Certificate of appreciation (2017)
  9. Indian Global Golden Award (2018)
  10. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Award (2018)
  11. Young Scientist Award (2019)
  12. Outstanding Assistant Professor Award (2019)
  13. Pharma Recognition Award (2020)
  14. Pharma Mitra Award (2021)
  15. Prof. M. L. Schroff ‘Pharma Recognition Award (2022)
  16. Best Innovative Teacher Award (2022)
  17. Certificate of Appreciation with cash Award (2023)