Campus Faculty

Campus Faculty Profile

Faculty Name DR. A.K. GIRI
Father Name M. K. GIRI
Designation Associate Professor
Total Experience (Years) 27
Research Experience (Years) 7
Date Of Joining 20/01/2005
Brief Information Dr. A. K. Giri obtained his M.Phil/Ph.D degree from School of Environmental Sciences , JNU, New Delhi and specialized in solid waste management. He has a brief period of woking experience as provisional RA at WII/MoEF Dehradun. Presently he is working as Associate Professor at the Institute Of Environment and Development Studies , Bundelkhand University Jhansi.
Detail of Biography View Profile
Number Of Research Paper 36
Number Of Research Student 76

Reviewer/Editor :

Specialization :

  1. Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
  2. Vermiconversion of wastes into resources
  3. Algal biomass production from domestic wastewater
  4. Ecotechnological treatment of wastewater
  5. Sustainable Management of Solid waste , Fly ash and Wastewater
  6. Rainwater Harvesting

Qualification :

S.No Qualification University Year
1 Ph.D, Environmental Sciences School of Environmental Sciences, JNU, NEW DELHI. 2001
2 M.Phil, Environmental Sciences School of Environmental Sciences, JNU, NEW DELHI. 1997
3 M.Sc , Botany ( Specilization : ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY). Utkal University (Ravenshaw College, Cuttack), Bhubaneswar, ODISHA) 1994
4 NET, Environmental Sciences ICAR, PUSA, New Delhi 2000
5 B.Sc (Chemistry, Botany, Zoology) Utkal University (D. K. College), Balasore ODISHA) 1992
6 I. Sc CHSE, (D. K. College), Balasore, ODISHA 1989
7 Metric BSE, ODISHA 1986

Technical Area:

  1. Sustainable Management of Solid waste
  2. Environmental chemistry
  3. Natural Resource Management
  4. Environmental Impact Assessment
  5. Environmetal Pollution & Control
  6. Occupational Health
  7. Environmental Biotechnology
  8. Ecolgy and Environment
  9. Toxicolgy
  10. Instrumetal Techniques
  11. Application of statistics in Environment
  12. Industrial Chemistry

Award Name :

  1. ? Received Reviewer recognition/award from “Bioresource Technology” ELSEVIER.
  2. ? Received Reviewer recognition/award from “Ecological Engineering” ELSEVIER.
  3. Recipient of JRF UGC/JNU 1995
  4. Recipient of SRF UGC/JNU 1997
  5. Recipient of Research Associate Fellowship MoEF-WII, India