Campus Faculty

Campus Faculty Profile

Faculty Name DR V K SINGH
Father Name Late S. N. Singh
Designation Professor
Total Experience (Years) 26
Research Experience (Years) 30
Date Of Joining 19/11/1999
Brief Information Prof. VINOD KUMAR SINGH ( is working on Tectonics, Structural Geology, Precambrian Geology. He edited 6 books and published 66 papers. He visited Russia in Oct. 01–14, 2018; Sep. 28–Oct. 08, 2017; Aug. 20–Sept. 09, 2012; Oct. 04-29, 2011 and Germany in Sept. 99 to 18 Nov. 1999; March-June 1999; June – December, 1997; July - Oct. 1991. His papers have Cited in Lithos, PR, GR; JSG; JAES; Geosphere; IGR; EPSL; Geophysical Review; Tectonophysics; Geology; Minerals etc.
Detail of Biography View Profile
Number Of Research Paper 71
Number Of Research Student 2

Reviewer/Editor :

  1. Reviewer: G-Cubed (Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems)
  2. Reviewer: Lithos
  3. Reviewer: Precambrian Research
  4. Reviewer: Episodes
  5. Reviewer: Journal of South American Earth Sciences
  6. Editorial Board Member: Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources (ISSN: 2578-4994)
  7. Associate Editor: Archaeology & Anthropology: Open Access journal
  8. Associate Editor: Open Access Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology - OAJAA
  9. Reviewer: Geological Journal
  10. Reviewer: Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology
  11. Reviewer: Minerals
  12. Editorial Board Member: Open Journal of Soil Science (2162-5360)

Specialization :

  1. Tectonics
  2. Structural Geology
  3. Precambrian Geology

Qualification :

S.No Qualification University Year
1 Ph.D. University of Delhi 1993
2 M.Sc. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 1987
3 B.Sc. (Hons.) Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 1984

Experience :

S.No Institute Univercity From Date To Date
1 Bundelkhand University Lecturer (Assistant Professor) 19/11/1999 18/11/2008
2 Bundelkhand University Reader (Assistant Professor) 19/11/2008 18/11/2011
3 Bundelkhand University Associate Professor 19/11/2011 18/11/2014
4 Bundelkhand University Professor 19/11/2014

Technical Area:

  1. Tectonics, Structural Geology
  2. Engineering Geology
  3. Stratigraphy

Faculty Research Activities :

S.No No of Patent WorkShop Seminar Coference
1 0 0 3 International Conference organized at Geology Department, BU International
2 0 0 4 International Webinar organized International

Project Name:

  1. International Project with Russian Co-coordinator under RFBR, sponsored by DST (No. INT/RUS/RFBR/P-279) on: Petrology and geology of Archaean greenstone complexes of the Bundelkhand (Indian Shield) and Karelian (Fennoscandian Shield) Cratons: Implication for geodynamic reconstruction of the early Earth (completed).
  2. International Project with Russian Co-coordinator under ILTP, sponsored by DST No. INT/ILTP/B-2.72) on: Archaean crustal evolution of the Fennoscandian and Indian shields: major events, growth tempos and geodynamics (completed).
  3. Tectonics of Northern Bundelkhand Craton: Late Archean Deformation” sponsored by DST (SR/S4/ES-339/2008) (completed) .
  4. International project with German collaboration sponsored by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG - Ap 34/9-1, Germany) as Scientists, from 1996 to 2001 with Prof. Dr. Erwin Appel, abteilung Geophysik, Universitat Tubingen, Germany on Tertiäre Rotationen um vertikale und horizontale Achsen am Nordrand der Indischen Platte: “Oroclinal Bending” und “MCT Ramping” (Completed).

Recent Books, Articles and Publications:

  1. 9 edited volumes (1 Edited Springer book, 1 proceeding books, 4 edited volumes (for journals) and 3 abstract volume edited)
  2. Geological and Geo-Environmental Processes on Earth, Springer Nature, ISBN: 978-981-16-4121-3; e-book DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-4122-0
  3. Schill, E., Appel, E., Zeh, O., Singh, V.K. and Gautam, P. 2001: Tectonophysics, Vol. 337: pp 1-21.
  4. Schill, E., Crouzet, C., Gautam, P., Singh, V.K. and Appel, E. 2002: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 203 (1): pp 45-57.
  5. Chandra, R., Singh, V.K.*, Sivaji, Ch. and Piper, J.D.A. 2007: Gondwana Research, Volume 12(3) (Editorial) p. 199-201; doi:10.1016/
  6. Kumar, R., Singh, V.K.*, Prabhat, P. and Dinkar, G.K., 2014: In: Singh, R.A. (ed.) ISBN: 978-93-82171-40-9; Pratyush Publication, Delhi, p. 209-218.
  7. Singh, V.K., et al., 2015: International Geology Review, V. 57; p. v-viii; doi:10.1080/00206814.2015.1029542
  8. Singh, V.K. and Slabunov, A. 2015: International Geology Review, V. 57, p. 1349-1364; doi:10.1080/00206814.2014.919613
  9. Singh, V.K. and Slabunov, A. 2015: Journal of Economic Geology and Georesource Management, Vol. 10: pp. 63-74 ( ISBN: 0973-4384)
  10. Verma,SK; Verma, SP; Oliveira, EP; Singh, VK. Moreno, JA. 2016: J. Asian Earth Science, V. 118; p 125-137; doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.12.021
  11. Singh, V.K. and Slabunov, A. 2016: Journal of the Geological Society of India, V.88; p 539-548.
  12. Slabunov A., Singh V.K., Joshi K.B., Li X., 2017: Current Science, V.112, pp. 794-801; 25 February, 2017.
  13. Singh VK, 2018: Earth Crust Evolution ....: Introduction; Arch & Anthropol Open Acc. V.3(suppl-1). DOI: 10.31031/AAOA.2018.03.000551
  14. Svetov SA, Singh VK et al., 2018: Meso-Neoarchean Key Magmatic Systems .... Arch & Anthropol Open Acc. V.3(suppl-1) DOI: 10.31031/AAOA.2018.03.000552
  15. Slabunov A, Singh VK, 2018:Bundelkhand and Dharwar cratons ... .., Arch & Anthropol Open Acc. V.3(suppl-2) DOI: 10.31031/AAOA.2018.03.000556
  16. Slabunov A, et al., 2018:Archean mafic-ultramafic Ikauna layered ..., Arch & Anthropol Open Acc. V.3(suppl-2) DOI: 10.31031/AAOA.2018.03.000557
  17. Singh VK, et al., 2018:Occurrence of Archean Iron Bearing Rocks ..., Arch & Anthropol Open Acc. V.3(suppl-3) DOI: 10.31031/AAOA.2018.03.000564
  18. Mishra S, et al., 2018:Neoarchean Granitoids of Bundelkhand Craton ..., Arch & Anthropol Open Acc. V.3(suppl-3) DOI: 10.31031/AAOA.2018.03.000565
  19. Svetov S.A., et al., 2019:Accessory zoned chromites from Archean komatiites ... Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society, Vol. 148, No. 4,
  20. Slabunov A.I. and Singh V.K. 2019: International Geology Review, V. 61; pp. 1409-1428; DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2018.1512906.
  21. Singh, V.K., 2019: Geology, Geomorphology and Tectonics of India: Introduction; JGEET V.4(02-2), 1-2
  22. Singh, M.M. & Singh, V.K., 2019: Geochemistry and tectonic setting .... Bindelkhand craton, India; JGEET V.4(02-2), 3-10
  23. Bhatt, S.C. & Singh, V.K., 2019: Neoarchean crustal shear zones .....Bundelkhand craton; JGEET V.4(02-2), 11-18
  24. Mishra, S., Singh, V.K., et al., 2019: Geochemistry and geodynamic setting .... Garhwal Himalaya; JGEET V.4(02-2), 29-38
  25. Singh, A., & Singh, V.K., 2019: New observations of Tin Mineralization Potential ..... Bastar Craton; JGEET V.4(02-2), 43-50
  26. Dinkar, G., Farooqui, S.A., Singh, V.K. et al., 2019: Geology of South and Southwest part of Uttar Pradesh; JGEET V.4(02-2), 51-59
  27. Singh, P.K., Verma, S.K., Moreno, J.A., Singh, V.K., et al., 2019: Geochemistry and Sm-Nd isotope ... Bundelkhand Craton. Lithos, V. 330-331; p 90-107
  28. Singh, P.K., Verma, S.K., Singh, V.K., et al., 2019: Geochemistry and petrogenesis of sanukitoids .... J. Asian Earth Sc., V. 174; p 263-282
  29. Nesterova N.S., Bayanova T.B., Singh V.K. et al., 2019: Transactions A. Fersman scient. sess. Geol. Instt, KRC, RAS. Apatity, Russia. No16. P. 421–424
  30. Sibelev O.S., Slabunov A.I., Mishra S., Singh V.K., 2019: Transactions A. Fersman scient. sess. Geol. Instt, KRC, Apatity, Russia. No16. P. 512–516
  31. Slabunov A.I., Singh V.K., 2019: Tectonic division ... Transactions A. Fersman scient. sess. Geol. Instt, KRC, RAS, Apatity, Russia. No16. P. 521–524
  32. Svetov S.A., Singh V.K. et al., 2020: Variolithic lavas of... Proceed. Fers. Sci. Sess. State Inst. KSC RAS.
  33. Singh V.K. et al., 2020: Archean crustal evolution of the Bundelkhand Craton... Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 489, 235-259
  34. Slabunov AI, Singh VK 2021: Crustal Evolution of Bundelkhand ..... Cratons. Springer Book Geological and Geo-Environmental processes on Earth, 39-48
  35. Shandilya, Singh VK, et al. Geological and Geo-Environmental Processes on Earth: Introduction, Springer Book Introduction, 1-4
  36. Singh, P.K., Verma, S.K., Singh, V. K., and others, 2021: Geochronology and petrogenesis of the TTG gneisses ... Precambrian Research
  37. Sibelev O.S., Slabunov A.I., Mishra S., Singh V.K., 2021: Metamorphism of the Central Bundelkhand Greenstone Complex ... Petrology, v. 29, p. 404–438
  38. Malviya VP; ........ ; Singh VK ... 2022: Petrology and geochemistry of the Paleo-Mesoarchean Banded Iron Formations..... Geological Journal
  39. Slabunov, AI, and Singh VK, 2022: Giant Quartz Veins of the Bundelkhand Craton, Indian Shield: New Geological Data and U-Th-Pb Age. Minerals 12,2: 168
  40. Mishra, S, Slabunov, AI, Nainwal, HC, Singh, VK, et al., 2022: Paleoproterozoic S-type granites from Garhwal ...... implications. Geological Journal