Campus Faculty

Campus Faculty Profile

Faculty Name PROF . M M SINGH
Father Name SRI M. I. SINGH
Designation Professor
Total Experience (Years) 23
Research Experience (Years) 25
Date Of Joining 02/11/1999
Brief Information M.Sc. Applied Geology, NET(JRF)CSIR, Ph.D. in Petrology, Dean/Director- Faculty of Engineering, Former Head-Institute of Earth Sciences, Former Dean-Faculty of Science, Coordinator-UGC Cell, Member EC, AC, Published research papers in national and International Journals, one book in international Publishing, Completed one joint research project funded by Ministry of Mines Govt. of India (Rs. 285 Lakhs).
Detail of Biography View Profile
Number Of Research Paper 31
Number Of Research Student 4

Reviewer/Editor :

  1. Red Flower Publication (for medical and health sciences) as a Reviewer
  2. Sustainability, Agri, Food and Environmental Research
  3. Geological Journal

Specialization :

  1. Hydrogeology, Remote Sensing & GIS
  2. Environmental Geology, and Geomorphology
  3. Petrology

Qualification :

S.No Qualification University Year
1 M.Sc. Applied Geology Kurukshetra University 1996
2 NET (JRF), Roll No. 22171, No.2-24/96(ii)/E.U.II CSIR 1996
3 Ph.D. 13th Feb. Bundelkhand University 2005

Experience :

S.No Institute Univercity From Date To Date
1 Institute of Earth Sciences Lecturer 02/11/1999 03/04/2005
2 Institute of Earth Sciences Reader 04/04/2005 03/04/2008
3 Institute of Earth Sciences Associate Professor 04/04/2008 31/03/2012
4 Institute of Earth Sciences Professor 01/04/2012

Technical Area:

  1. Hydrogeology and Remote Sensing & GIS

Faculty Research Activities :

S.No No of Patent WorkShop Seminar Coference
1 0 01 3 International Conference organised International
2 0 03 07 National
3 0 0 2 International Webinar organised International
4 1 0 0 National

Project Name:

  1. Integrated approach for the sustainable development of geological and natural resources in Bundelkhand region, funded by Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India of Rs. 285 Lakhs (completed)
  2. UGC-STRIDE(I) Program of Bundelkhand University, Jhansi.

Recent Books, Articles and Publications:

  1. Supracrustal Rocks of Bundelkhand Massif, India, 2015, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-659-33471-9, pp:1-240.
  2. Kamlesh Kushwaha, M.M. Singh, Sudhir Kumar Singh, Adesh Patel, Urban growth modeling using earth observation datasets, Cellular Automata-Markov Chain model and urban metrics to measure urban footprints, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Elsevier, Volume 22, 2021, 100479, ISSN 2352-9385, pp.1-18
  3. Bhatt, S. C. Singh Rubal, Singh, Rahul, MohdSaif and M.M. Singh, 2021: A GIS-based ....., Edits. A K Shandliya,.., Springer Nature, pp. 243-257
  4. Singh, M.M., Vinod K. Singh., 2019: Geochemistry & tectonic ...., Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology, Spl. V. 04 No 02-2, pp 3-10
  5. Shree Ganesh, Singh, M. M., 2019: Impact of stone crusher ..... UP, Scientific & Technology Research, volume 8, issue 08, pp-1165-1167
  6. Prashasti Ashok, Singh, M. M., 2019: Analysis of IRS data using GIS ....., RESEARCH DIRECTIONS, Vol: 6, Issue: 8, pp. 238-242
  7. Shree Ganesh, Singh, M. M., 2018: Status of air quality ......, Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 5, 11, pp-593-612
  8. Purushottam Sharma, Singh M.M., Amit Sharma 2018: Morphometric Analysis ........, IJCRT, Volume 6, Issue 1
  9. Purushottam Sharma, Singh, M.M., Amit S., 2018: Morphometric Analysis ......., Quest International Multidisciplinary Research, Volume 7, 1, pp 129–140
  10. A.Patel, M.M.Singh, SK.Singh, K.Kushwaha, R.Singh, 2022: AHP and TOPSIS Based .... Ami River Basin, UP, Jour. Geol. Soc. India, 98:423-430