Campus Faculty

Campus Faculty Profile

Faculty Name DR. B. S. BHADORIA
Father Name D. S. BHADORIA
Designation Assistant Professor
Total Experience (Years) 25
Research Experience (Years) 25
Date Of Joining 10/09/2003
Brief Information I have joined this department in 2003 as Assistant Professor at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi. I have completed my PhD from from IIT Delhi in 1996 and published more than 20 international research papers in reputed journals. Under my guidance Two Ph.D. and around 12 M.Phil have been awarded. Teaching is my passion, in pursuance of that I taught many courses at PG and UG level. Despite of my main interest in Physics, I have developed better understanding in Sanskrit literature.
Detail of Biography View Profile
Number Of Research Paper 16
Number Of Research Student 3

Specialization :

  1. Atomistic Simulation, Nonthermal Plasma Techniques for Pollution Control, Properties of Nanostructures

Qualification :

S.No Qualification University Year
1 B.Sc. Jiwaji University Gwalior 1986
2 M.Sc. Jiwaji University Gwalior 1988
3 Ph.D. I.I.T. Delhi 1996

Experience :

S.No Institute Univercity From Date To Date
1 Delhi College of Engg. Delhi Lecturer 01/07/1999 09/09/2016
2 LIMAT Faridabad Lecturer 01/09/1998
3 ITM Gurgaon Lecturer 01/09/1996
4 IIT Delhi Reseach Associate 01/07/1995

Technical Area:

  1. Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory, Numerical Methods, Lasers, Spectroscopy (P.G.)
  2. Modern Physics, Optics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Electricity and Magnetism (U.G.)

Faculty Research Activities :

S.No No of Patent WorkShop Seminar Coference
1 0 04 08 National

Project Name:

  1. Advance Simulation Lab. under Centre for Excellence by U.P. Govt, 2022.
  2. Nonlinear bhaviour of rare earth doped phasphor material and its application as cosupervisor, 2022
  3. Study of Optolectronic Properties in Graphene, Funded by DRDO Lab. (DMSRDE, Kanpur), 2017

Recent Books, Articles and Publications:

  1. Keshav Dev, Swati Saxena,Ankit K. Srivastava, B.S. Bhadoria and Barish Diwedi, Monolayer graphene, GIC Science journal, 8, 12, 989-999, 2021.
  2. Keshav Dev, Swati Saxena,Ankit K. Srivastava, B.S. Bhadoria and Suneel Kumar, Doping of 3d TM..., IJRTE,Vol.X, Issue X, 1-8,2021.
  3. T Shalini, B.S. Bhadoria, et al, Intrinsic Magnetism..., J. of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,489,165384, 2019.
  4. Rohan Sagar, M.S. Gaur, and B.S. Bhadoria, Investigation of TSDC ... ,Vacuum,156, pp.375-383, 2018.
  5. Mahi R. Singh, Bhagirath S. Bhadoria, et al, Phonon Conductivity ......, Physica Status Solidi (B), page 1700681, 2018.
  6. Shalini Tomar, P. Rastogi, B. S. Bhadoria, Amit Agrawal,Y. S. Chauhan, Adsorption of magnetic transition metals ..., Eur. Phys. J. B 91: 51, 2018.
  7. P. Kumar, B. S. Bhadoria, S. Kumar, S. Bhowmick, Y. S. Chauhan et al, " Thickness and electric-field-...., PHYSICAL REVIEW B 93, 195428, 2016.

Award Name :

  1. M.P. Govt. Merit Scholarship during M.Sc.
  2. Qualified GATE in 1990
  3. Qualified NET in 1992