Campus Faculty

Campus Faculty Profile

Father Name
Designation Professor
Total Experience (Years) 13
Research Experience (Years) 7
Date Of Joining 19/01/2005
Brief Information Dr. Vinit Kumar has completed his Ph.D. in 2004, after that he joined NBPGR, New Delhi as Research Associate and worked there till 2005. He Joined the Institute of Environment & Development Studies, BU, Jhansi in February 2005. He had Guided 32 M.Phil and 4 Ph.D. Students. Dr. Vinit has also published numerous research papers, Books and Book chapters in refereed Journals of National and International Repute.
Detail of Biography View Profile
Number Of Research Paper 50
Number Of Research Student 36

Specialization :

  1. Water ecology
  2. Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Mangement

Qualification :

S.No Qualification University Year
1 M.Sc. CCS University, Merrut 1998
2 Ph.D. CCS University, Merrut 2004
3 RA NBPGR, New Delhi 2005

Technical Area:

  1. Environmental Ecology
  2. Biological Processing System
  3. Natural Resource Management
  4. Environmental Management and Laws
  5. Environmental Studies

Project Name:

  1. Effect of flyash deposition on soil, water and some plant species around Parichcha thermal power plant Jhansi (UP), UGC New Delhi, March 2010 to March 2013, 7.39 lacks
  2. Health risk assessment due to fly ash deposition on soil, water and some plant species near Parichcha Thermal Power plant, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. March 2011 to March 2012 3 lakhs DST, New Delhi

Award Name :

  1. Best Citizens of India Award International Publishing House ,New Delhi 2014
  2. Bharat Jyoti Award IIFS,New Delhi Dec. 2013
  3. Expert Member in District Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (DEIAA), Constituted by the Central Government in Jhansi and Lalitpur division.