Campus Faculty

Campus Faculty Profile

Faculty Name DR. MEGHNA
Father Name RAM DAYAL
Designation Assistant Professor
Total Experience (Years) 22
Research Experience (Years) 20
Date Of Joining 10/03/2003
Brief Information Dr. Meghna Asst. professor in home Science , Teaching experience 21 Years
Detail of Biography View Profile
Number Of Research Paper 11
Number Of Research Student 6

Reviewer/Editor :

  1. na
    URL: na

Consulting Service :

  1. na
    URL: na

Specialization :

  1. M.Sc Child Devlopement

Qualification :

S.No Qualification University Year
1 Phd Bundelkhand University 2006
2 (Child Development) Jiwaji University, Gwalior,MP 2000
3 B.Sc (Home Science) Jiwaji UniverSity, Gwalior, MP 1998

Technical Area:

  1. Child Devlopement

Faculty Research Activities :

S.No No of Patent WorkShop Seminar Coference
1 0 6 11 International

Project Name:

  1. na

Recent Books, Articles and Publications:

  1. Savita A. and Meghna, Influence of internet use on emotional maturity of adolescents. SHODH-DHARA, Vol. 3, pp, 160-164, 2019
  2. Gupta Sunita, Meghna, Adjustment patterns of old age people of Jhansi distt. An empirical study. Research link. Vol, XV11 (11), 71-72, January 2019.
  3. Gupta Sunita, Meghna, A study of socio demographic profile of old age people from Jhansi Distt. Research link, Vol, XV11 (65-66), January 2019
  4. Savita A, Meghna, To see the influence of internet use in social competence and emotional maturity of adolescent during covid-19 Pandemic
  5. Sangeeta ,Meenakshi Singh and Meghna 2023 Effect of Electronic media on early and late ado of Jhansi city. Int. Journal of Home Science;Vol 9(1):01-03
  6. Roshanee, Meghna, Marital adjust problems among working women of gov.& non-gov sector in Kanpur city. Journal of Xidian univ, 14 (3), 1600-1605, 2020