Campus Faculty

Campus Faculty Profile

Father Name R. S. DWIVEDI
Designation Associate Professor
Total Experience (Years) 15
Research Experience (Years) 11
Date Of Joining 26/02/2024
Brief Information Dr. Lavkush Dwivedi is a professor of Biomedical Sciences having teaching and expertise in Immunology, Human Physiology, Healthcare and Medical Technologies. He authored 110+ publications including patents, books, chapters, articles. He is the recipient of Promising Educator, Bright Educator, Young Scientist, Young Faculty, and Excellence in Teaching & Research Awards. People find him an upbeat, self-motivated team player with excellent communication skills.
Detail of Biography View Profile
Number Of Research Paper 110
Number Of Research Student 24

Reviewer/Editor :

  1. Edited the special issue on ‘Immunopotentiating ability of medicinal plants against the chronic diseases’. South Asian J. Exp. Biol. 3(6), 2013.
  2. Edited the special issue on ‘Herbal immunomodulatory and therapeutic approaches against the infectious diseases’ South Asian J. Exp. Biol. 1(5), 2011.
  3. Immunology Innovation, Herbert Open Access Journals, UK
  4. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, eISSN: ISSN No. 2320-1924; Innovative Publications
  5. South Asian Journal of Experimental Biology (SAJEB), ISSN-2230-9799, International Journal.
  6. Faculty Immunology, Webmedcentral, post publication peer reviewed International journal. ISSN-2046-1690.
  7. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research (IPSR), ISSN (Online): 0975-8232, ISSN (Print): 2320-5148.
    URL: Web:
  8. Evaluated Young Scientists' presentations during 32nd, 33rd, 34th M.P. Young Scientist Congress organized by M.P. Council of Science & Technology in year 2017, 2018 and 2019..
    URL: nil

Consulting Service :

  1. Educationist Member, Vidyalay Management Committee (VMC), KV-2, Jhansi
  2. ISO 9001:2015-QMS Lead Auditor
    URL: Certificated by International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA)
  3. Expert Member, Board of Studies
    URL: College of Horticulture and Forestry, RLB Central Agriculture University, Jhansi
  4. Dy. Coordinator; NAAC Criteria-III Research, Innovation & Extension
    URL: To various Colleges aspiring for NAAC Accreditation

Specialization :

  1. Immunology
  2. Healthcare (Human Health Risk Assessment & Management)
  3. Natural Drug Research
  4. Biomedical Sciences

Qualification :

S.No Qualification University Year
1 Ph.D (Biomedical Sc.) CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow (Awarded by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi) 2010
2 M.Sc. (Biomedical Sc.) Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi 2005
3 B.Sc. (Biology) CSJM University, Kanpur 2003

Experience :

S.No Institute Univercity From Date To Date
1 Dept. of Biomedical Sciences Head 27/03/2015 07/08/2018
2 Dept. of Biomedical Sciences Convener Board of Studies 27/03/2015 07/08/2018
3 Innovation Centre Bundelkhand University Co-Coordinator/Coordinator 06/07/2017
4 UGC-STRIDE(I) Programme Coordinator 23/01/2020 31/03/2023
5 Baidyanath Ayurveda Research Fellowship Programme Coordinator 11/07/2022
6 DST-Technology Enabling Centre, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi Coordinator 09/09/2022
7 Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi Assistant Professor 26/11/2011 25/02/2024
8 Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi Lecturer 18/04/2006

Technical Area:

  1. Immunology
  2. Human Physiology

Faculty Research Activities :

S.No No of Patent WorkShop Seminar Coference
1 10 Organized- 51, Participated- 50+ 50+ National
2 0 5+ 15+ International

Project Name:

  1. Promotion of value added and herbal industry oriented cultivation of medicinal plants and their quality analysis for facilitating better industrial value for self-employment generation and sustainable development of farmers in Bundelkhand region, funded by Dept. of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India; Duration- 2018-2021; Project Cost- 46.98 Lacs; Collaborating Institutes- Bundelkhand University and Rani Laxmi Bai Central Agriculture University, Jhansi; Role- PI
  2. The Research Capacity Building & Human Resource Development, funded by UGC, Govt. of India; Duration (2020-2023); Project Cost 61.0 Lacs; Role- Coordinator, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
  3. Development of predictive in-silico tool for online self Health Risk Assessment & Management, funded by Government of Uttar Pradesh, duration- 2021-2024; Project Cost- 1.46 Lacs, Role- PI
  4. Technology Enabling Centre (TEC) funded by Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India; Total layout- 500 Lacs; duration 2023-2028; Role- Coordinator on Bundelkhand University Campus, Jhansi; Proposed Cost- 5 Crores, Role- Co-Coordinator
  5. Baidyanath Research Fellowship Programme for the promotion of research in Ayurveda by PG and PhD students, funded by Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd., Jhansi, cost- 42.0 Lacs, duration- 2022-2025; Role- Coordinator
  6. Baidyanath Young Entrepreneur Fellowship funded by Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd., Jhansi; Total layout- 5.0 Lacs; duration 2015-16; Role- Coordinator
  7. Minor Research/Seed Money Project on GC-MS based Phytochemical profiling and chromatographic analysis of the medicinal plants” under ICRGS by the Innovation Centre, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi; Duration- 06 months (2021-22); Total Layout- Rs. 30000.00; Role- PI
  8. Minor Research/Seed Money Project on GC-MS based Phytochemical profiling and chromatographic analysis of the medicinal plants” under ICRGS by the Innovation Centre, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi; Duration- 06 months (2020-21); Total Layout- Rs. 40000.00; Role- PI
  9. Minor Research/Seed Money Project on GC-MS and AAS based Phytochemical profiling and chromatographic analysis of the medicinal plants” under ICRGS by the Innovation Centre, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi; Duration- 06 months (2019-20); Total Layout- Rs. 45000.00; Role- PI

Recent Books, Articles and Publications:

  1. 110+ Publications including Patents, Copyrights, Books, Research/Review Articles, Conference Papers, Papers edited in special issues, Letter to Editor , etc.
  2. Organized 50+ Conferences/Symposium/Training Programs as Coordinator/Organizing Secretory
  3. 40+ invited lectures delivered as Resource Person
  4. Supervised 21 M.Sc. dissertation, and 03 PhD (02 Awarded +01 Ongoing)
  5. Member of more than 15 administrative and other students welfare Committees of Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
  6. Participated in 60+ Conferences/Training Programs
  7. IPR-1 (Patent) : A system and method for Health Risk Assessment and Management. Application no. 202311025357, Patent Office Journal no. 20/2023 Dated 19/05/2023: pp. 37312, Govt. of India. Intellectual Property India ( (Published); Innovator- Mukesh Pandey, Lavkush Dwivedi, Anupam Vyas
  8. IPR-2 (Patent): A system for the prevention of suicides; published in Official Journal of Patent Office, Govt. of India; 39/2023; page no. 64343; dated- 29/09/2023; URL- Innovators- Mukesh Pandey, Lavkush Dwivedi
  9. IPR-3 (Patent): Safety System for Wearable Helmet; published in Official Journal of Patent Office, Govt. of India; 39/2023; page no. 64440; dated- 29/09/2023; URL- Innovators- Mukesh Pandey, Lavkush Dwivedi, Rohit Peardon
  10. IPR-4 (Design Patent): Portable solar charger for electronic devices; Published in the Patent Office Journal No. 51/2023; Dated 22/12/2023. Design patent no. 398182-001; Dated 20/10/2023.URL- Innovators- Mukesh Pandey, Anupam Vyas, S.K. Shrivastava, Lavkush Dwivedi, Surendra Verma, Priyanka Tripathi.
  11. IPR-5 (Copyright): Predicting student's stress level and wellbeing with Machine Learning; Application no. 15022/2024-CO/L Dated- 09/05/2024; ROC no. L150851/2024, Govt. of India; URL- Innovators-Kavya Dubey, Lavkush Dwivedi, Mukesh Pandey
  12. IPR-6 (Copyright): Market Research of a Locality for the Development of Online Bridging Tool between Service Providers and Needy Population; Application no. 15027/2024-CO/L Dated- 09/05/2024; ROC no. L-150849/2024, Govt. of India. URL- Innovators- Shambhu Nath Singh, Lavkush Dwivedi, Mukesh Pandey
  13. IPR-7 (Patent): An Airbag System for a Vehicle, filed to Govt. of India; Application no. 202411044097; Patent published in Office Journal no. 25/2024 Dated- 21/06/2024: pp. 55135, Govt. of India, URL- Innovators- Mukesh Pandey, APS Gaur, Lavkush Dwivedi, Md. Numan Alam, Neelendra Pratap Singh, Somesh Narayan Tripathi, Prateek Kumar Singh
  14. IPR-8 (Patent): Synergistic polyherbal composition; Application No. 202411098824; dated- 13/12/2024; Patent published in Patent Office Journal No. 1/2025 Dated- 03/01/2025; pp. 220. Govt. of India. URL- Innovators- Dr. Bhawna Sharma, Dr. Upendra Kumar, Dr. Lavkush Dwivedi, Prof. Mukesh Pandey
  15. IPR-9 (Patent): A Fingerprint Detection and Development Device for Forensic Investigation. Application no. 202411103848; Dated 27.12.2024; Patent published in the Patent Office Journal no. 02/2025; Dated- 10/01/2025: pp. 3309, Govt. of India. URL- Innovators- 1. Dr. Anu Singla, Saurabh Prajapati, Neha Ahirwar, Shashi Shekhar, Dr. Lavkush Dwivedi, Prof. Mukesh Pandey
  16. White paper on problems in the Bundelkhand region and their technological solutions; A Hindrance in the Development of the Bundelkhand Region, submitted to Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi dated 20th September 2024
  17. White paper/Policy document on Policy Perspectives for MSME Development in the Bundelkhand Region of Uttar Pradesh, submitted to Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, dated 2nd January 2025.

Award Name :

  1. Certificate of Appreciation with Cash Award for excellent works in Bundelkhand University, Jhansi on 26th January 2023
  2. Nature Care Award’ conferred by Jila Jankalyan Mahasamiti & Rani Jhansi Foundation, Jhansi on 11th January 2023
  3. Innovation Ambassador (Basic level) conferred by Innovation Cell, Ministry of Education & All Indian Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Govt. of India, New Delhi on 13th October, 2022
  4. Certificate of Appreciation (National Level) by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for maintaining brilliant and consistent high standards of academics and teaching in AY 2021-2022.
  5. Nature Care Award’ conferred by Jila Jankalyan Mahasamiti & Rani Jhansi Foundation, Jhansi on 02/01/2022
  6. Excellent Teacher Award by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for maintaining brilliant and consistent high standards of academics and teaching in AY 2020-2021
  7. Excellent Teacher Award by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for maintaining brilliant and consistent high standards of academics and teaching in AY 2019-2020
  8. Research Excellence Award by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for maintaining brilliant and consistent high standards of academics and teaching in AY 2019-2020
  9. Awarded by Jhansi Nagar Nigam for active contributions in various programmes organized under ‘Swachhta hi sewa, Swachhata Sarwekshan- 2019
  10. Academic Excellence Award by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for maintaining brilliant and consistent high standards of academics and teaching in AY 2018-2019
  11. Research Excellence Award by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for maintaining brilliant and consistent high standards of academics and teaching in AY 2018-2019.
  12. IARDO Award for Promising Educators-2018 Conferred by International Association of Research and Developed Organization (India Education Charitable Trust, Ghaziabad) in association with Gurukul Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kota during International Award Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Latest Innovation on October 28, 2018.
  13. Best faculty- Hon’ble Jury Mention Certificate conferred by Education Expo TV (EET) under 6th Academic Brilliance Awards-2018 on 28th January, 2018. Web link-
  14. Excellent Teacher Award by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for maintaining brilliant and consistent high standards of academics and teaching in AY 2017-2018
  15. Bright Educator Award Conferred by International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) in July, 2017. Web link-
  16. Young Scientist-Hon’ble Mention Certificate conferred by Education Expo TV (EET CRS), Kolkata under 5th Faculty Branding Awards on 23rd July 2017. Web link-
  17. Excellence in Teaching & Research Award conferred by GRABS Educational Charitable Trust, Chennai on 22nd January, 2017
  18. Young Faculty Award conferred by Venus International Foundation Chennai. Citation-Lavkush Dwivedi - Facts". VIF Press 2016. Web. 1 Aug 2016.;
  19. Young Faculty Award conferred by EET, Kolkata under 4th Faculty Branding Awards-on 24/07/2016;
  20. Best poster Presentation Award for the paper entitled “Human Health Risk Assessment and Management: in-silico approaches” conferred by Dept. of Environmental Sciences, BBAU during National Symposium on Issues & Challenges for Environmental Management: Vision 2025, February 17-19, 2006
  21. Shikshak Gaurav Samman-2023 conferred by Times Now Group & Shreshtha Foundation, Jhansi in September 2023
  22. Innovation Ambassador (Advanced level) conferred by Innovation Cell, Ministry of Education & All Indian Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Govt. of India, New Delhi on 13th October, 2022
  23. Certificate of Appreciation provided by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor in recognition of exemplary contribution to the NAAC assessment process of Bundelkhand University in achieving an A++ Grade, dated 7th August 2024.