Faculty Name
Father Name
Associate Professor
Department Name
Total Experience (Years)
Research Experience (Years)
Date Of Joining
Brief Information
Dr. Lavkush Dwivedi is a professor of Biomedical Sciences having teaching and expertise in Immunology, Human Physiology, Healthcare and Medical Technologies. He authored 110+ publications including patents, books, chapters, articles. He is the recipient of Promising Educator, Bright Educator, Young Scientist, Young Faculty, and Excellence in Teaching & Research Awards. People find him an upbeat, self-motivated team player with excellent communication skills.
Detail of Biography
View Profile
Number Of Research Paper
Number Of Research Student
Reviewer/Editor :
- Edited the special issue on ‘Immunopotentiating ability of medicinal plants against the chronic diseases’. South Asian J. Exp. Biol. 3(6), 2013.
URL: http://sajeb.org/index.php/sajeb/issue/view/574 - Edited the special issue on ‘Herbal immunomodulatory and therapeutic approaches against the infectious diseases’ South Asian J. Exp. Biol. 1(5), 2011.
URL: http://sajeb.org/index.php/sajeb/issue/view/337 - Immunology Innovation, Herbert Open Access Journals, UK
URL: http://www.hoajonline.com/immunol/editorialboard - Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, eISSN: ISSN No. 2320-1924; Innovative Publications
URL: https://www.innovativepublication.com/editorial_board.php?jid=72 - South Asian Journal of Experimental Biology (SAJEB), ISSN-2230-9799, International Journal.
URL: https://sajeb.org/pages/view/editorial - Faculty Immunology, Webmedcentral, post publication peer reviewed International journal. ISSN-2046-1690.
URL: http://www.webmedcentral.com/faculty/profile/1337 - International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research (IPSR), ISSN (Online): 0975-8232, ISSN (Print): 2320-5148.
URL: Web: http://ijpsr.com/editorial-board/ - Evaluated Young Scientists' presentations during 32nd, 33rd, 34th M.P. Young Scientist Congress organized by M.P. Council of Science & Technology in year 2017, 2018 and 2019..
URL: nil
Consulting Service :
Specialization :
- Immunology
- Healthcare (Human Health Risk Assessment & Management)
- Natural Drug Research
- Biomedical Sciences
Qualification :
S.No |
Ph.D (Biomedical Sc.)
CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow (Awarded by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi)
M.Sc. (Biomedical Sc.)
Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
B.Sc. (Biology)
CSJM University, Kanpur
Experience :
S.No |
From Date
To Date
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences
Convener Board of Studies
Innovation Centre Bundelkhand University
UGC-STRIDE(I) Programme
Baidyanath Ayurveda Research Fellowship Programme
DST-Technology Enabling Centre, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
Assistant Professor
Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
Technical Area:
- Immunology
- Human Physiology
Faculty Research Activities :
S.No |
No of Patent
Organized- 51, Participated- 50+
Project Name:
- Promotion of value added and herbal industry oriented cultivation of medicinal plants and their quality analysis for facilitating better industrial value for self-employment generation and sustainable development of farmers in Bundelkhand region, funded by Dept. of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India; Duration- 2018-2021; Project Cost- 46.98 Lacs; Collaborating Institutes- Bundelkhand University and Rani Laxmi Bai Central Agriculture University, Jhansi; Role- PI
- The Research Capacity Building & Human Resource Development, funded by UGC, Govt. of India; Duration (2020-2023); Project Cost 61.0 Lacs; Role- Coordinator, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
- Development of predictive in-silico tool for online self Health Risk Assessment & Management, funded by Government of Uttar Pradesh, duration- 2021-2024; Project Cost- 1.46 Lacs, Role- PI
- Technology Enabling Centre (TEC) funded by Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India; Total layout- 500 Lacs; duration 2023-2028; Role- Coordinator on Bundelkhand University Campus, Jhansi; Proposed Cost- 5 Crores, Role- Co-Coordinator
- Baidyanath Research Fellowship Programme for the promotion of research in Ayurveda by PG and PhD students, funded by Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd., Jhansi, cost- 42.0 Lacs, duration- 2022-2025; Role- Coordinator
- Baidyanath Young Entrepreneur Fellowship funded by Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd., Jhansi; Total layout- 5.0 Lacs; duration 2015-16; Role- Coordinator
- Minor Research/Seed Money Project on GC-MS based Phytochemical profiling and chromatographic analysis of the medicinal plants” under ICRGS by the Innovation Centre, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi; Duration- 06 months (2021-22); Total Layout- Rs. 30000.00; Role- PI
- Minor Research/Seed Money Project on GC-MS based Phytochemical profiling and chromatographic analysis of the medicinal plants” under ICRGS by the Innovation Centre, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi; Duration- 06 months (2020-21); Total Layout- Rs. 40000.00; Role- PI
- Minor Research/Seed Money Project on GC-MS and AAS based Phytochemical profiling and chromatographic analysis of the medicinal plants” under ICRGS by the Innovation Centre, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi; Duration- 06 months (2019-20); Total Layout- Rs. 45000.00; Role- PI
Recent Books, Articles and Publications:
- 110+ Publications including Patents, Copyrights, Books, Research/Review Articles, Conference Papers, Papers edited in special issues, Letter to Editor , etc.
- Organized 50+ Conferences/Symposium/Training Programs as Coordinator/Organizing Secretory
- 40+ invited lectures delivered as Resource Person
- Supervised 21 M.Sc. dissertation, and 03 PhD (02 Awarded +01 Ongoing)
- Member of more than 15 administrative and other students welfare Committees of Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
- Participated in 60+ Conferences/Training Programs
- IPR-1 (Patent) : A system and method for Health Risk Assessment and Management. Application no. 202311025357, Patent Office Journal no. 20/2023 Dated 19/05/2023: pp. 37312, Govt. of India. Intellectual Property India (ipindia.gov.in) (Published); Innovator- Mukesh Pandey, Lavkush Dwivedi, Anupam Vyas
- IPR-2 (Patent): A system for the prevention of suicides; published in Official Journal of Patent Office, Govt. of India; 39/2023; page no. 64343; dated- 29/09/2023; URL-https://search.ipindia.gov.in/IPOJournal/Journal/ViewJournal. Innovators- Mukesh Pandey, Lavkush Dwivedi
- IPR-3 (Patent): Safety System for Wearable Helmet; published in Official Journal of Patent Office, Govt. of India; 39/2023; page no. 64440; dated- 29/09/2023; URL-https://search.ipindia.gov.in/IPOJournal/Journal/ViewJournal. Innovators- Mukesh Pandey, Lavkush Dwivedi, Rohit Peardon
- IPR-4 (Design Patent): Portable solar charger for electronic devices; Published in the Patent Office Journal No. 51/2023; Dated 22/12/2023. Design patent no. 398182-001; Dated 20/10/2023.URL- https://search.ipindia.gov.in/IPOJournal/Journal/ViewJournal. Innovators- Mukesh Pandey, Anupam Vyas, S.K. Shrivastava, Lavkush Dwivedi, Surendra Verma, Priyanka Tripathi.
- IPR-5 (Copyright): Predicting student's stress level and wellbeing with Machine Learning; Application no. 15022/2024-CO/L Dated- 09/05/2024; ROC no. L150851/2024, Govt. of India; URL-https://copyright.gov.in/Documents/ERegister/E-Register_July_2024.pdf. Innovators-Kavya Dubey, Lavkush Dwivedi, Mukesh Pandey
- IPR-6 (Copyright): Market Research of a Locality for the Development of Online Bridging Tool between Service Providers and Needy Population; Application no. 15027/2024-CO/L Dated- 09/05/2024; ROC no. L-150849/2024, Govt. of India. URL-https://copyright.gov.in/Documents/ERegister/E-Register_July_2024.pdf. Innovators- Shambhu Nath Singh, Lavkush Dwivedi, Mukesh Pandey
- IPR-7 (Patent): An Airbag System for a Vehicle, filed to Govt. of India; Application no. 202411044097; Patent published in Office Journal no. 25/2024 Dated- 21/06/2024: pp. 55135, Govt. of India, URL- https://search.ipindia.gov.in/IPOJournal/Journal/ViewJournal. Innovators- Mukesh Pandey, APS Gaur, Lavkush Dwivedi, Md. Numan Alam, Neelendra Pratap Singh, Somesh Narayan Tripathi, Prateek Kumar Singh
- IPR-8 (Patent): Synergistic polyherbal composition; Application No. 202411098824; dated- 13/12/2024; Patent published in Patent Office Journal No. 1/2025 Dated- 03/01/2025; pp. 220. Govt. of India. URL- https://search.ipindia.gov.in/IPOJournal/Journal/ViewJournal. Innovators- Dr. Bhawna Sharma, Dr. Upendra Kumar, Dr. Lavkush Dwivedi, Prof. Mukesh Pandey
- IPR-9 (Patent): A Fingerprint Detection and Development Device for Forensic Investigation. Application no. 202411103848; Dated 27.12.2024; Patent published in the Patent Office Journal no. 02/2025; Dated- 10/01/2025: pp. 3309, Govt. of India. URL- https://search.ipindia.gov.in/IPOJournal/Journal/ViewJournal. Innovators- 1. Dr. Anu Singla, Saurabh Prajapati, Neha Ahirwar, Shashi Shekhar, Dr. Lavkush Dwivedi, Prof. Mukesh Pandey
- White paper on problems in the Bundelkhand region and their technological solutions; A Hindrance in the Development of the Bundelkhand Region, submitted to Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi dated 20th September 2024
- White paper/Policy document on Policy Perspectives for MSME Development in the Bundelkhand Region of Uttar Pradesh, submitted to Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, dated 2nd January 2025.
Award Name :
- Certificate of Appreciation with Cash Award for excellent works in Bundelkhand University, Jhansi on 26th January 2023
- Nature Care Award’ conferred by Jila Jankalyan Mahasamiti & Rani Jhansi Foundation, Jhansi on 11th January 2023
- Innovation Ambassador (Basic level) conferred by Innovation Cell, Ministry of Education & All Indian Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Govt. of India, New Delhi on 13th October, 2022
- Certificate of Appreciation (National Level) by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for maintaining brilliant and consistent high standards of academics and teaching in AY 2021-2022.
- Nature Care Award’ conferred by Jila Jankalyan Mahasamiti & Rani Jhansi Foundation, Jhansi on 02/01/2022
- Excellent Teacher Award by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for maintaining brilliant and consistent high standards of academics and teaching in AY 2020-2021
- Excellent Teacher Award by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for maintaining brilliant and consistent high standards of academics and teaching in AY 2019-2020
- Research Excellence Award by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for maintaining brilliant and consistent high standards of academics and teaching in AY 2019-2020
- Awarded by Jhansi Nagar Nigam for active contributions in various programmes organized under ‘Swachhta hi sewa, Swachhata Sarwekshan- 2019
- Academic Excellence Award by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for maintaining brilliant and consistent high standards of academics and teaching in AY 2018-2019
- Research Excellence Award by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for maintaining brilliant and consistent high standards of academics and teaching in AY 2018-2019.
- IARDO Award for Promising Educators-2018 Conferred by International Association of Research and Developed Organization (India Education Charitable Trust, Ghaziabad) in association with Gurukul Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kota during International Award Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Latest Innovation on October 28, 2018.
- Best faculty- Hon’ble Jury Mention Certificate conferred by Education Expo TV (EET) under 6th Academic Brilliance Awards-2018 on 28th January, 2018. Web link- http://www.educationexpo.tv/news.php?id=Mjc0
- Excellent Teacher Award by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for maintaining brilliant and consistent high standards of academics and teaching in AY 2017-2018
- Bright Educator Award Conferred by International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) in July, 2017. Web link- http://www.i2or.com/list-of-awardees.html
- Young Scientist-Hon’ble Mention Certificate conferred by Education Expo TV (EET CRS), Kolkata under 5th Faculty Branding Awards on 23rd July 2017. Web link- http://www.educationexpo.tv/news.php?id=Mjc0
- Excellence in Teaching & Research Award conferred by GRABS Educational Charitable Trust, Chennai on 22nd January, 2017
- Young Faculty Award conferred by Venus International Foundation Chennai. Citation-Lavkush Dwivedi - Facts". Vifa.info. VIF Press 2016. Web. 1 Aug 2016.; http://vifa.info/fa16/winners/lavkushdwivedi.html
- Young Faculty Award conferred by EET, Kolkata under 4th Faculty Branding Awards-on 24/07/2016; http://educationexpo.tv/facultybrandingawards/news.php?id=MjE2
- Best poster Presentation Award for the paper entitled “Human Health Risk Assessment and Management: in-silico approaches” conferred by Dept. of Environmental Sciences, BBAU during National Symposium on Issues & Challenges for Environmental Management: Vision 2025, February 17-19, 2006
- Shikshak Gaurav Samman-2023 conferred by Times Now Group & Shreshtha Foundation, Jhansi in September 2023
- Innovation Ambassador (Advanced level) conferred by Innovation Cell, Ministry of Education & All Indian Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Govt. of India, New Delhi on 13th October, 2022
- Certificate of Appreciation provided by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor in recognition of exemplary contribution to the NAAC assessment process of Bundelkhand University in achieving an A++ Grade, dated 7th August 2024.