Campus Faculty

Campus Faculty Profile

Faculty Name DR. NEHA MISHRA
Father Name V. C. MISHRA
Designation Assistant Professor
Total Experience (Years) 13
Research Experience (Years) 6
Date Of Joining 28/11/2011
Brief Information  Work to the best of my ability with the leading organization, committed and dedicated people, which will help me to realize my potential and explore myself fully. I am looking for a challenging assignment in Social & development field where I can explore and prove my potential and give the best out of me.
Detail of Biography View Profile
Number Of Research Paper 8
Number Of Research Student 15

Consulting Service :

  1. Women Helpline (Telephonic Counselor)1090
    URL: 1090

Specialization :

  1. Medical and Psychiatric Social Work

Qualification :

S.No Qualification University Year
1 Highschool U.P Board 1998
2 Intermediate U.P. Board 2001
3 B.Com Bundelkhand University,Jhansi 2004
4 M.S.W Bundelkhand University,Jhansi 2006
5 M.Phil (Social Work) Bundelkhand University,Jhansi 2009
6 U.G.C Net U.G.C 2011

Experience :

S.No Institute Univercity From Date To Date
1 Bundelkhand University, Jhansi Teaching Assistant 30/08/2009 05/05/2010
2 Bundelkhand University,Jhansi Teaching Assitant 15/09/2010
3 Bundelkhand University,Jhansi Assistant Professor 27/11/2011

Technical Area:

  1. Social Work
  2. Medical and Psychiatry

Faculty Research Activities :

S.No No of Patent WorkShop Seminar Coference
1 0 20 25 National
2 0 0 2 International

Project Name:

  1. Role of Financial Literacy for Women Empowernment

Recent Books, Articles and Publications:

  1. Green Entrepreneurship and sustainable development
  2. A study on Factors affecting Adolescent Reproductive Health

Award Name :

  1. Kanya Shiksha Award
  2. Mission Shakti Award
  3. International Award by Lions Club International (Best Co Chairperson Leo )
  4. Naari Shakti Samman