Campus Faculty

Campus Faculty Profile

Faculty Name PROF. C B SINGH
Designation Professor
Total Experience (Years) 33
Research Experience (Years) 33
Date Of Joining 02/11/1999
Brief Information Dr. C. B. SINGH
Detail of Biography View Profile
Number Of Research Paper 75
Number Of Research Student 300

Consulting Service :

  1. NA
    URL: NA

Specialization :

  1. Marketing, Research Methodology, labour Economics, Agricultural Economics, International economics
  2. MSME, Natural Resources, Environmental Economics, Business Economics.

Qualification :

S.No Qualification University Year
1 Ph. D. Agra University, agra 1993
2 M. A. (Economics) Dr. BR Ambedkar University, Agra 1997
3 MSc Ag Economics Agra University, Agra 1987
4 MBA FM, PGDBM IGNOU, New Delhi 2008
5 PG D MM IGNOU, New Delhi 2009

Technical Area:

  1. Applied Economics, Rural Economics, Business Environment, Indian Economics, Economy, Economic Planning
  2. Banking & Insurance, Business Economics

Faculty Research Activities :

S.No No of Patent WorkShop Seminar Coference
1 0 20 52 National
2 0 10 10 International

Project Name:

  1. ICAR-IFPRI Future Growth of Fertilizers in India
  2. UGC Research Fellow (1989 to 1992 “A Study on Socio-Economic & Technological Aspects in the Development of Blanket Manufacturing Cottage industry in Western U. P.”
  3. UGC Major Project (2003-2006) “Socio-Economic and Technological aspect in Development of Dairy Business for Developing Weaker Section Economy through Women Participation in Bundelkhand Region of U. P

Recent Books, Articles and Publications:

  1. A Text Book of Agricultural economics
  2. A 5 trillion Dollar Economy: Challenges and Strategies
  3. Global Financial Crisis: Issues, Concerns and Challenges for India and Emerging Economies 2011
  4. Sustainable Rural Development: Challenges and Strategies 2012
  5. Practical Hand Book of Agricultural Economics, Publisher: S. K. Publication Aligarh, 1997
  6. Socio-Economic and technological Aspects in the Development of Dairy Business for Developing Weaker Section Economy
  7. Applied Economics & Management (An ISSN Journal)

Award Name :

  1. Best Research Award in UPUEA Conference, 2013 at ram Manohar Lohia University, Ayodhya by: BIMTECH, NOIDA
  2. Honor Award Teachers 2021