Campus Faculty

Campus Faculty Profile

Father Name
Designation Assistant Professor
Total Experience (Years) 15
Research Experience (Years) 5
Date Of Joining 08/03/2019
Brief Information Dr Awanish Kumar is currently working as Assistant Professor in Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry for teaching to the UG (Hon.) and PG students .
Detail of Biography View Profile
Number Of Research Paper 25
Number Of Research Student 15

Specialization :

  1. Soil Science, Physical, chemical and biological parameter analysis of soil, Soil Micronutrient, Microbial activity and soil quality index, Quantify the carbon sequestration in soil, Organic farming, Zero budget farming and soil health, Nano-fertilizers effect on soil and crop yield.

Qualification :

S.No Qualification University Year
1 Ph.D. (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry) IGKV, Raipur (CG) 2017
2 M.Sc. (Ag.) Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry VBSPU, Jaunpur, (UP) 2006
3 B.Sc. (Ag.) Agriculture VBSPU, Jaunpur, (UP) 2004

Technical Area:

  1. In UG Course: Fundamentals of Soil Science, Fundamentals of plant Biochemistry and Plant Physiology, Agricultural Microbiology, Precision Farming remote sensing and Nano-technology, Manure fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management, Problematic soil and their management
  2. In PG Course: Soil Water and Plant Relationship, Soil mineralogy, genesis and classification, Soil Physics, Soil Biology and Biochemistry,

Faculty Research Activities :

S.No No of Patent WorkShop Seminar Coference
1 0 25 50 National
2 0 0 10 International

Project Name:

  1. Preparation and characterization of vermicompost using different farm organic biomass waste

Recent Books, Articles and Publications:

  1. Awanish Kumar et al 2018 Soil organic carbon, dehydrogenase activity and ....... Vertisols of Central India. J. of Env. Bio. 39

Award Name :

  1. Best Doctoral Thesis Award – 2018. (GUARD Society, Hyderabad)
  2. Outstanding Achievement Award – 2017. (BHU, Varanasi)
  3. Mahima Young Scientist Award - 2015. (BHU, Varanasi)
  4. Awarded 3 rd Prize in College Faculty during B.Sc. second year
  5. Krishi Upaj Mandi Parishad (UP. Govt.) Scholarship under Post Graduate degree programme
  6. NSS “B” IGKV, Raipur (2014-15)