Campus Faculty

Campus Faculty Profile

Father Name
Designation Assistant Professor
Total Experience (Years) 8
Research Experience (Years) 3
Date Of Joining 26/02/2024
Brief Information Greetings, I'm Dr. Surjeet Raikwar. As an educator with 7 years of experience in the field of teaching and research. I am deeply passionate about fostering a dynamic and inclusive learning environment where every student can thrive. My aim is to ignite curiosity, critical thinking, and create a lifelong learning to my students.
Detail of Biography View Profile
Number Of Research Paper 10
Number Of Research Student 3

Reviewer/Editor :

Specialization :

  1. Surface Plasmon resonance (SPR) Sensor
  2. Microstrip Patch Antenna

Qualification :

S.No Qualification University Year
1 B.Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering) GBTU Lucknow 2012
2 M.Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering) AKTU Lucknow 2016
3 Ph.D.(Electronics Engineering) AKTU Lucknow/BIET Jhansi 2022

Experience :

S.No Institute Univercity From Date To Date
1 Dr AITH Kanpur Assistant Professor, Contractual 29/03/2016 27/10/2017
2 BIET Jhansi PHD Scholar 01/11/2017 31/10/2020
3 BIET Jhansi Guest Faculty 06/10/2021 24/02/2024

Technical Area:

  1. Microprocessor and Microcontroller
  2. Digital Logic Design
  3. Digital Signal Processing
  4. Optical Fiber Communication

Faculty Research Activities :

S.No No of Patent WorkShop Seminar Coference
1 0 06 01 National

Recent Books, Articles and Publications:

  1. S. Raikwar, et al. “2D-antimonene-based surface plasmon resonance sensor for improvement of sensitivity.” Quartile score: Q2). (Impact Factor 2.70)
  2. S. Raikwar, et al. “Detection of Leptospirosis Bacteria in Rodent Urine by Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Using Graphene.” Quartile score: Q2).(Impact Factor 4.4))
  3. S. Raikwar, et al. “A Silicon-Black Phosphorous based Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor for the detection of NO2 Gas.” Quartile score: Q2).(Impact Factor 3.1)
  4. S. Raikwar, et al. “Detection of DNA hybridization using graphene-coated black phosphorus surface plasmon resonance sensor.” Quartile score: Q2). (Impact Factor 2.70)
  5. S. Raikwar, et al. "Graphene Oxide based SPR Sensor for Sensing of Sea Water Concentration.”(Scopus))
  6. S. Raikwar,"Design and Fabrication of Square Shaped Slot Cut Microstrip Patch Antenna for IoT Applications" (Book Chapter)

Award Name :

  1. Homi Bhabha Research Fellowship(Grant for PH.D.)
  2. UGC_NET Qualified (For PH.D., Electronic Science)